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Nothing in Me

Verse Hereafter I will not talk much with you: for the prince of this world cometh, and hath nothing in me.(John 14:30) Message I am going to paraphrase what Jesus said. He said, "the prince of the world is coming, and when he comes, he won't find an iota of darkness in me. He won't find anything in me that is in common with him...he has nothing in me."  Let's be honest with each other, can we all say the same? When Satan comes to steal, kill and destroy our lives (See John 10:10) and our families, will he find darkness in us (our souls)? Will we be carnally minded or lukewarm  when he comes? When Satan or his cohorts come along, will they find anything in you? Will they find, doubt, fear, bitterness, hatred, lust, greed, envy and so on? Will they find darkness or will he be expelled by your light? Our protection from the evil one, is dependent on what we have in us.  Throughout my high school and college years, before I got saved (or delivered fro...

Switching Targets

Tensions are rising between the U.S. and North Korea. The Syria war has left more than 70,000 people dead . Human beings are beginning to act like savage animals: the lowest of any species. We are becoming brutally wicked, heartless and unable to make rational decisions that would move our world forward. As the wars prevail, and these tensions mount between many countries, one would wonder who benefits from all the chaos and our strife. Think about it. Who or what is benefiting from the tears that are being shed and the hearts that have been broken? Ever since the fall of man (See Genesis 3:1-24), we have never been able to live peacefully with one another. Can all of this be attributed to the serpent? If it can, what does he gain from our strife? And why can't he just let us live peacefully with one another? Why did he also come into the Garden to cause division between us and God? "To receive worship" you say. Yes, but more. He wanted to be God (Isaiah 14:14), but...

The Rape Epidemic

After the gang rape of a 23-year old student in a bus in New Delhi, India, and the case of 17-year-old Anene Booysen who was gang-raped and murdered (her throat slit and body mutilated by a broken bottle) many women began looking for innovative ways to protect themselves from these sex predators. A few months after the above incidents, two high school football players were convicted in an Ohio rape case.  This culminated the fears of many women across the globe. "Are we safe?" They asked. "What do these men want, and how can we protect ourselves from them?" Recently, I read a lengthy article on that gave detailed descriptions on the types of women a typical rapist would like to attack, where they could get raped (if they were not careful enough) and what to do if they ever got attacked. Most of the solutions, were geared at turning young women into amateur ninjas. Other innovative solutions have also been developed to solve this epidemic. According ...

Easter: a funeral gone wrong

Verse Acts 26:18 To open their eyes, and to turn them from darkness to light, and from the power of Satan unto God, that they may receive forgiveness of sins, and inheritance among them which are sanctified by faith that is in me. Message It's Easter again, and as usual, many people all over the world are going to be celebrating the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. As a result, it would be typical to hear people screaming out loud, "He is risen" or "Jesus is alive." Many Christians have got the Easter story at their finger tips (after watching 'Jesus movies' on the television every Easter who wouldn't?) We all know that Jesus rose up from the grave three days after He was buried: one of the pillars of our faith. But the question is, do we really understand the significance of the resurrection?  "He died and rose from the grave, because God used Him as a sacrifice for my sins; I am a sinner deserving eternal damnation and Jesus took my...

Good Friday

One man died and descended to hell, with the purpose of disarming and defeating the powers that kept the human race in bondage to sin. He fought for and helped us to gain our independence, yet many human beings are still being whipped and controlled by our former colonial masters because, they don't know what Good Friday is all about. It's sad right? Happy Good Friday to you :) "I guess we all know who won this fight..."

Hypnotized 2

Had I not known there was a way out, or had I not tasted freedom long enough to know His word was true, I would have fallen again. Like a persistent sales man, he came knocking at my door again. If only we could all discern his presence, and his paralytic words. He is the serpent, and his words are venomous. It is said, "crush the head of the serpent, lest it shall bite you". Who sees a snake, and draws close to pet it? Who sees a snake and lies comfortably next to it? Who discerns his venomous words, and continues listening without rebuking him? His words again, are venomous and the more we listen to him, the more his poison takes over our lives. Poison so deadly it kills us in seconds, yet we do not die in the natural; we become zombies: alive naturally, but dead spiritually. One bite turns us into zombies in pursuit of freedom/ a miracle cure unknown to many people. A cure that many people — due to the blinding effect of the poison running through their veins — ca...